Rip Rap at the Lake of the Ozarks — Why It’s Important!

Although rip rap may just look like rocks dumps on the shoreline, they actually service a big purpose! When you have rip rap installed at the Lake of the Ozarks , you are making an investment to protect your shoreline from erosion. Each stone is strategically placed to dampen the impact of waves. Summer is almost here, which means big boats will soon be out — is your shoreline ready? Read on to find out the benefits of installing rip rap! Erosion Protection Rip rap works to absorb incoming waves, rather than reflecting it. This will help to keep the dirt at the bottom of your seawall from eroding away. It will also help to protect seawall footings form undermining. This is a wildly common problem for concrete sea walls at the Lake of the Ozarks . Give Your Shoreline a Natural Look Rip rap consists of various sizes of stone. Rip rap is a great solution for your seawall construction at the Lake of the Ozarks . Using stone versus concrete, wood, or v...