Kayaking on the Lake Made EASY with a Permalaunch®!

Do you love to Kayak on the lake or have you thought about picking up the fun activity? If you store your kayak on your dock at the Lake of the Ozarks, you probably already know that getting on and off your boat can be a bit of a challenge. Kayaks can be unstable when getting on and off - especially when you are going from the dock down into your boat. Our dock company at the Lake of the Ozarks is now offering a unique kayak float made by Permalaunch® that helps you stay dry, launch quickly and safer on your kayak, or canoe adventure! Read on to learn more! The Float Off - Float On Feature Everything about the permalaunch® was designed for stability and ease of use. The Float Off – Float On Feature’s start with the vessel being partially submerged when boarding. The three middle underwater supports create stability for boarding, yet allow buoyancy in the vessel for ease of launch or retrieval. Custom designed handrails allow you to use your paddle to effortlessl...